Salt System Myths / Facts

When you are considering purchasing a spa / hot tub, you may hear or read quite a few claims about salt-systems. Some may be negative and others positive, so let’s dive in and discuss some of these.

Negative Comments

Salt-systems are very popular in pools. In fact, the majority of new pools are installed with salt-system sanitation. However, within the hot tub industry, they are less common.

Many manufacturers do not offer a salt-system option. Unfortunately, this leads to many spa dealers selling against “salt” simply because they do not have the option available. Here are some of the comments used by spa dealers to try and persuade spa buyers into not considering salt-system sanitation and to buy their spas instead.

Corrosive – Myth

We all just naturally equate salt with corrosion but when it comes to hot tubs & spas it’s not true and particularly not true with our Blu Fusion TS Complete model.

First, all modern spas & hot tubs have plastic shells, usually acrylic. It simply does not corrode. Second, the “metal” in contact with spa water is usually stainless steel (the specific alloy is called Incoloy) or titanium. Salt does not corrode either of these.

However, with our Blu Fusion TS Complete, we go one step further into ensuring that no corrosion will occur. We include a sacrificial anode, which is commonly used with salt-system pools to prevent corrosion.

New Technology – Myth

The truth is that salt-system pools go all the way back to the 1960’s. Of course, they are newer in hot tubs & spas, but they have still been available for 15+ years.

Expensive – Largely a Myth

This is a bit nuanced because the initial, up-front cost is much higher than simply using standard spa chemicals. However, over the life of your spa, let’s say 10 years, our Blu Fusion Salt Systems will deliver a total operating cost very similar to standard chemicals and much less than the fancy chemical systems sold for use in hot tubs.

Bromine is Harmful – Myth

Again, the answer here is also nuanced.

First, both bromine and chlorine are registered EPA biocides. They kill bacteria and other pathogens, so they are certainly harmful to them. However, that does not mean they are harmful to you. It’s a matter of exposure, sort of like sunlight.

Sunlight produces vitamin D in your skin. You need sunlight to be healthy. However, too much sunlight leads to sunburn and possibly skin cancer. Your limited exposure to bromine in your spa is not harmful. And a sanitizer of some kind is necessary to keep your spa water clear, clean, & inviting.

Canada banned bromine – True, but not relevant

This is sort of a continuation of the above. Alone among all other nations, including the US, Canada did ban bromine for use in pools & spas a few years ago. However, their actual concern is bromates, which are a combination of bromine and ozone. We do not use ozone with Blu Fusion because of this.

By the way, bromine is still a very common hot tub sanitizer. It’s the sanitizer in bromine tabs or “Brom Tabs.”

Hard to Maintain – Myth

You will need to check your hot tub’s water chemical once a week, just like with all other spas. However, you will not be adding lots of chemicals every week. What you will do is adjust your Blu Fusion setting if needed, to increase or decrease the production of bromine.

Salt will damage my plants – Myth

The concertation of salt in your spa water when using Blu Fusion is lower than that in your eyes. Your tears literally contain a higher concentration of salt than in your hot tub. You may not want to water a highly sensitive plant with your spa water, but for ordinary backyard plants & grass, you will be fine.

By the way, the salt concentration is so low, you can’t taste it either.

Positive Comments

No chemicals – Myth

I’d like to say this is true, but it’s not. Salt itself is a chemical, so spas using a salt-system still have at least one chemical in them. And you will use a small amount of nonchlorine-based shock and pH down over the course of a year, before draining and refilling your spa.

Maintenance-Free – Myth

Again, I’d like to say this is true, but it’s not either. There is no such thing as a maintenance-free hot tub. You do have to check your hot tub water chemistry weekly and adjust if needed.

Your Skin will feel soft – True

This is true. When you leave a salt-system spa and dry your skin, it will feel softer!

Water feels differently – True

Also true, though to be honest you will not likely notice unless you put two spa side by side with one being a salt-system spa. If you test them side by side, you will notice the difference. I know because I’ve done this test.

Won’t burn your eyes – True

One of the benefits of a salt-system pool is that you will not burn your eyes. The same is true in a salt-system spa, however you are not likely to do this test. Most people do not put their head underwater in a spa.

Won’t fade clothing – True

And, lastly, this is also true. In standard pools and spas, swim clothing has a tendence to fade and get bleached out. This does not happen when using a salt-system sanitation method.

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